Why You Should Buy

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Why You Should Buy

Insights from a Real Estate mogul

Sean Conlon, host of The Deed: Chicago on CNBC, was recently asked the question, “should you buy or should you rent a home?”

Here’s his response:

I am a true believer that you save every penny and you buy your first house…and that is still the fastest path to wealth in this country.

Conlon went on to suggest that first-time buyers put down 10-20% “if they can make it work,” and to remain in their home at least 4-5 years to see a return on their investment.

Why listen to Sean Conlon?

Within a few years of working in the real estate industry, Conlon had established himself as one of the leading agents in the United States and has founded 3 billion-dollar brokerages dealing in residential, commercial and investment sales. Since immigrating to America from the United Kingdom in 1990, he believes very strongly in the American Dream and the role that homeownership plays in achieving it.

Conlon is quoted on his website as saying:

I treat people the way I would like to be treated if I went in to buy a house and I work harder than anybody I know. I think if you do that in America, you will always succeed.

Our thoughts

Homeownership is an investment you can leverage against in the future, that not only provides shelter and safety but also helps you build your family’s wealth.

At Skyrise Real Estate Group we treat our clients with the respect and attention that a boutique service can offer, unlike larger corporate number driven entities.

Our goals are centered on your satisfaction, because at the end of the day, our reputation is only as solid as the foundation and walls our clients select.

If buying a home is something you are thinking about, contact us today to learn how our experience has exceeded the expectations of many home buyers within Silicon Valley.


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