Sell Now, Help The Economy


Sell Now, Help The Economy

What’s missing right now from the economy?

A robust supply of homes for sale.

While demand for homes is increasing, housing inventory is decreasing.

In fact, according to the National Association of Realtors, there is pent-up seller demand due to the housing uncertainty of the last decade.

What does this really mean?

Well, houses that are listed today, sell quickly.

This demand, along with still historic low interest rates, mean that now may be the perfect time to move into your dream home.

Remember, real estate is not only an essential part of the economy while providing housing for your family, it is the greatest source of wealth and savings for many.

An increase in sales is leading to an increase in prices. This increases the value of everyone’s home. That in turn helps lead to increased consumer confidence and spending. Good things for the economy and you.

The total economic impact of a typical home sale in the United States is an astonishing $52,205.

Bureau of Economic Analysis & Macroeconomic Advisors

So if you’ve been a little nervous about selling your home, perhaps this information will help you take the next step and speak to one of our professional real estate agents. You may be helping the economy even more.