Is This What You Paid For?

Shack House

Is This What You Want?

Don’t pay more by trying to pay less. DIY projects are fun but in the real estate world, it can lead to poor results.

We believe this to be true, from Keeping Current Matters :

We believe that famous sayings become famous because they are true. You get what you pay for. Just like a good accountant or a good attorney, a good agent will save you money .. not cost you money.

There are many potential landmines that can blow up in your face when trying to handle a real estate transaction.

“Am I paying a higher commission than necessary,” should be weighed against the following statement.

Realize that when an agent is negotiating their commission with you, they are negotiating their own salary; the salary that keeps a roof over their family’s head; the salary that puts food on their family’s table. If they are quick to take less when negotiating for themselves and their families, what makes you think they will not act the same way when negotiating for you and your family? If they were Clark Kent when negotiating with you, they will not turn into Superman when negotiating with the buyer or seller in your deal.

Skyrise Real Estate Group is making sure that you don’t end up with the wrong deal. We’re here to make sure that your back is covered and don’t end up having to accept a deal that looks like the shack above.

Put our experience to work for you and you’ll have the roof over your head that you’re really paying for – and want.