Ray Martinez – Putting Clients First

Top Agent

On The Real Estate Revolution

When I receive a call at 10:00 pm from a client I love hearing the shock in their voice when I answer the phone.

Ray Martinez, CEO Skyrise Real Estate Group

Ray Martinez - A Top Agent and CEO of Skyrise Real Estate Group

We’re proud to have our very own Ray Martinez featured, along with his wife Jennifer, in the real estate industry’s magazine Top Agent.

With Skyrise Real Estate Group, you are watching the evolution of real estate. The Internet has revolutionized the way we live our lives and I believe the real estate industry should reflect that revolution.

Ray Martinez

Find out exactly how this team is doing just that in the article below. Just hover over the photo and click on ‘next’.

When quality service and a well of knowledge is what you need, we’d be honored to have you give us a call.

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[pdf-embedder url=”http://skyrisere.com/listings/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/RayMartinez.pdf”]