Why do I want to buy a home?

  • Post category:Real Estate



This is the first of 3 questions we will be answering this week as you debate or know of someone debating purchasing a home.

Know why you want to buy a home.

According to the Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard University, the four major reasons that people buy a home in the first place actually have nothing to do with money.

Yep, that’s right.

Here is why others purchase a home. Maybe they will resonate with you or help support your decision to take the first step in approaching a real estate professional.

I Want:

  1. A good place to raise children and for them to get a good education
  2. A place where me and my family to feel safe
  3. More space for me and my family
  4. Control of my space

Not one reason had to do with money. However, these 4 reasons have a direct impact on how happy we might be. If you want to find just the right place that meets each of these desires, contact Skyrise Real Estate Group today.

Join us next as we answer the question:

Where are home values headed?